Take a ride on my time machine: Let's talk about February!
How a month with so few days could be so full in my schedule?
Oh right, I took a lot of classes!
It has been really fun and a little bit overwhelming too. I miss some spare time just for doing what I want. Ok let's face it, I will be complaining about not being inspired, bla bla.
So let me share the results of some courses! :)
101 Faces with Carla Sonheim
The most inspiring course I took! The purpose of the course was to draw 101 faces using different materials, in one week. Very intense and for a person overthinking like me, it was a leap of faith about my skills. I worked with very new materials for me like: pan pastel, charcoal, conte crayon and airbrush acrylic. Every day there were 2 challenges involving different material and technique. Here is my review of this week of pure joy.
Day 1: 2 line-drawing portraits from life using my non-dominant hand. I watched videos to capture the "from life" feeling. It's not the ideal, I know, but well, they are live there. One is the teacher Carla and the other is Sir Paul McCartney from a long interview. (After this interview I got crazy with his new album, listening non-stop!). The other exercise was to create faces from imagination using watercolor and pencil. I'm new with watercolor and just LOVE IT.
Day 2: This day was my control-freak nightmare. The challenge was do blind contour drawings from photo references but can "cheat" looking a couple of times. The second one was do ink portraits from photo too. I love this. I think the ink gives a very cool touch! (The video above shows how cool it is!)
Day 3: The assignments were do one-liners portraits from a single photo reference and 2 drawings using a black watersoluable crayon. Very cool results! One-liners give a very artistic touch!
Day 4: Do quick scribbly drawings from live models. Again I used the video as reference (this time from
Creative Mornings ) And the painting exercise was a very different one for me: create drawings for my imagination using an eraser as my primary tool. I got very impressed with this day results. Much better than I imagine.
Day 5: And for the last day, sketches from a photo reference using colored pencils and stylized drawings using Charcoal and Conté crayon. As a bonus, I did some faces with pan pastel from imagination! Pan Pastel is fantastic! It's crayon but in powder! I love make some cheeks with it in every drawing I made! :)
Now the other February classes:
Principles of Good Design e Illustrator: Illustration with Alma Loveland - Nicole's Classes
I love Alma Loveland classes! She is very good teacher! The classes were very helpful. It's always good to refresh some design theory and improve the technical skills on Illustrator. I always end the classes feeling more confident and valuable shortcuts.
It's embarrassing to admit but I'm not good on doing the homework from her courses. I can't explain. I just... have nothing to show. But I highly recommend! :)
That's it for today! Tomorrow I'll tell other good news from February!
We have a lot of news to catch up this week!
See you tomorrow!