10 Oct 2013

1 year doing what I love - drawings

Today I celebrate 1 year doing what I always loved but had fear to do: drawings.
Yay! Sing with me: "Ceeeeeelebrate good times, Com' on" *clap hands*

In 10th October 2012, I was in a sort of sabbatical year (since we moved cause my husband got a job in Malmö and I couldn't (and didn't want) continue the ad/mkt career) and after watch some videos about Design Thinking, I had this conversation with my husband:
me: hey, do you want know a funny thing about me? I always want to be a designer/artist but, well, since I saw a lot of more talented people than me I just gave up...
he: I believe! I think you're very creative! I bet you could be a really good artist. :)
me: Look! This site drawspace.com has a free drawing class! I'll start today and let's see!
he: Sounds like a plan!
And voilá! So far, a very amazing decision! Even with the ups and downs.

Here are some of my first drawings from drawspace class (try not laugh loud and sorry about the scan quality)


And here are the drawings from my sketchbook this week - again, be kind ;)

Even without show the digital improvement, I can see (maybe you can too) some evolution.
For me, the big achievement after one year is mostly invisible: 
I'm more confident, more kind with myself and I'm in love with my new"career"in the making.
Of course there are a lot of bad days in the middle when I feel like my drawings are crap and ask myself "I should continue this?" And then inside me, comes a very low voice "yes, because you love this". And then I just go sleep and wait for the other day when maybe my hand is more light and available to create cute drawings. (Sometimes there is a very loud voice outside me, from my husband and some friends: shut up and keep drawing! works too and I'm thankful for that)

So, that's it! Let's come back to drawings (I have a Christmas card to create this week for Lilla's class! So exciting! I LOVE Christmas!)

I can't wait for one more year of drawings!
Happy me!

Love and thankful thoughts,

PS: One year of classes - the review:
I didn't finish the drawspace course because I became too anxious to start to draw more cute stuff (!). I started to look for more online courses and I keep investing in classes since then. I bought a lot of books, I did a lot of online tutorials, an Illustrator 102 class (Nicole's classes), a Character Illustration (Skillshare) and Make Art that Sells part A and B (Lilla Roger's Studio). Next week I'll go to The First Steps of Hand-lettering (Skillshare)! And I have a list of courses to do and books to read!

I know it's a long road process and I'm having fun in this ride! :) 

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