In 23th September I started a personal challenge: I'll make at least one doodle a day, everyday, for one year. I chose this date because it's the beginning of the Autumn, my favourite and inspiring season.
You are probably thinking: but this is easy! Just a doodle is not a REAL challenge... But well, I always invent a bunch of excuses to draw when "it is for real" and the fact is: the "for real" not often happens. Plus, when the "for real" happens, I'm so over-thinking that my skills run away from me. So, for a person like me, a doodle is a Real challenge.
Another point was to create a routine. I discovered recently that I like routine, a good routine, with a small "to do list". So, this #365doodles will be a cool "to do".
And last but not least, this year I spent some months trying to make my "website". When I finally found a "nice template" etc, I noticed that I spent a lot of weeks doing the cover and totally forget the content. So, I need more content. And with this challenge, I expect have some.
So, 22nd October I completed 1 month - 30 doodles! Yay!
I made a video with the doodles to celebrate this personal achievement.
(I used Animoto for the "animation")
It's so nice to see them! I didn't do thinking about the video so there is no theme. But anyway, I have 30 doodles! :) And more then be happy, I can see how much I learned from this first month of challenge. So, let me share some of the achievements (and maybe inspire you!):
1. After the second day, I decided to turn my doodles public and I use the Instagram for this. I thought a lot before start to post there - how annoying will be share a poorly doodle everyday? - but well, I wanted a digital register to follow my small progress and to keep myself motivated. So, I closed my eyes and posted! Best thing ever! I receive so many likes! I never imagined!. Some of them really like and others are maybe just being kind. Anyway, It does keep myself motivated! (I admit that I like quick reward and Instagram is perfect)
2. After the first week, I started to draw anywhere, specially if it's late in the night. The feeling "I must do a doodle today" makes me use what I have, where I am. I have fun drawing on the sofa during a boring movie, for example. Never happened before. Drawing was sort of "a serious business". Really glad with this achievement.
3. I lost my silly fear of waste paper with my drawings. Yes, it exists. I always had a sketchbook and well, just for important drawings, you know. So, since I need a place to start to doodle and I could't look for a brand new sketchbook for this, I used what I had. And turns out that what I have is perfect. It's paper and it's here for my drawings.
4. After 3 weeks, I feel more confident. I gradually started to use more the pen and less the pencil. It's baby steps. Still not a "pro", but it's an interesting discover: drawing with pen I force myself to picture first in my head or be open to make adaptations in case I mistake a line (happens very often).
5. I'm proud of myself. You know when you took bad decisions and blame yourself for months? Well, I made a good one with this challenge. So, cheers for me! I'm happy with the "I can do it" feeling. And I'll keep going. 35 days so far. And I love each day. Even when I have no clue what to doodle.
Enough for today!
Love and inspiration,